Contents x
- Products
- HDL410
- Getting started
- FAQs
- Can a USB extender be used with a Nureva audio system?
- How does autocalibration work?
- Can the HDL410 system be cleaned and disinfected?
- Are the HDL410 system cables plenum rated?
- Is USB-C compatible with HDL410 systems?
- How close to a ceiling can the HDL410 system be mounted?
- Which types of Ethernet cables can be used with the HDL410 system?
- Which certifications does the HDL410 system have?
- What are the HDL410 operating system and driver requirements?
- Nureva HDL410 and INOGENI CAM230 FAQs
- Guides
- Using the auxiliary ports on an HDL410 system
- How to power cycle the HDL410 system
- Enrolling an HDL410 system
- Optimize the HDL410 system settings
- Connecting the HDL410 system components
- How to calibrate the HDL410 system
- Get started with the HDL410 system
- Preparing to install an HDL410 system
- How to use audience mute
- Quick start guide — HDL410 system
- Resources
- Audio conferencing quality issues explained
- Mounting a microphone and speaker bar with a backboard
- Adjusting speaker settings with Nureva Console
- Adjusting speaker settings with the Nureva App
- DWG files for Nureva audio systems in AutoCAD drawings
- Adjust Nureva audio device speaker volume in system settings
- Set a Nureva system as the default audio device
- Enhance speaker output levels — HDL310 and HDL410 systems
- The connect module has no power
- About background noise levels
- Microphone clearance requirements and recommendations
- Installation support and device setup tool
- Capturing audio recordings for troubleshooting an HDL410 system
- HDL410 network configuration
- Using remote restart and reset with the HDL410
- Optimal room conditions for Nureva audio devices
- Resolving an overheating HDL410 connect module
- Adjusting microphone gain setting for HDL410 systems
- Update HDL310 and HDL410 system firmware
- Automatic firmware updates
- Test an HDL410 system’s speakers and microphones
- Adjusting the USB speed with the Nureva App
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Setting up a wireless headset or earset with the HDL410 system
- Setting up multiple wireless mics with an HDL410 system
- How to integrate a device with Lumens PTZ cameras
- Using the Extron sound tracking driver with camera tracking
- Using the Q-SYS control plugin
- Nureva HDL410 and INOGENI CAM230 integration guide
- Camera switching with Sony cameras
- Using HDL410 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using Nureva audio systems with third-party digital signal processors
- INOGENI CAM230 integration guide — Nureva App and HDL410
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL410 systems
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL410 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL410 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL410 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL410 system
- Nureva systems paired with MAXHUB devices
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL410 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL410 system
- Divisible rooms design guide
- Supported integrations for camera switching and tracking
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL410 and Poly G7500
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL410 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Integrating Nureva audio devices with PTZOptics cameras
- Automatic camera switching — Nureva audio with Lenovo and Logitech
- How to integrate AVer cameras with camera tracking
- Features & Updates
- HDL310
- Getting started
- FAQs
- Can the HDL310 system be cleaned and disinfected?
- Are the HDL310 system cables plenum rated?
- Is USB-C compatible with HDL310 systems?
- How close to a ceiling can the HDL310 system be mounted?
- Which types of Ethernet cables can be used with the HDL310 system?
- Which certifications does the HDL310 system have?
- What are the HDL310 operating system and driver requirements?
- How does autocalibration work?
- Can a USB extender be used with a Nureva audio system?
- Guides
- Divisible rooms - combining two HDL310 systems
- Preparing to install an HDL310 system
- Quick start guide — HDL310 system
- Using the auxiliary ports on an HDL310 system
- How to power cycle the HDL310 system
- Optimize the HDL310 system settings
- Enrolling an HDL310 system
- Connecting the HDL310 system components
- Get started with the HDL310 system
- How to calibrate the HDL310 system
- How to use audience mute
- Resources
- HDL310 network configuration
- Test an HDL310 system’s speakers and microphones
- Capturing audio recordings for troubleshooting an HDL310 system
- Resolving an overheating HDL310 connect module
- Adjusting microphone gain setting for HDL310 systems
- Microphone clearance requirements and recommendations
- The connect module has no power
- Enhance speaker output levels — HDL310 and HDL410 systems
- Set a Nureva system as the default audio device
- Optimal room conditions for Nureva audio devices
- Automatic firmware updates
- Installation support and device setup tool
- Update HDL310 and HDL410 system firmware
- Adjust Nureva audio device speaker volume in system settings
- DWG files for Nureva audio systems in AutoCAD drawings
- Adjusting speaker settings with Nureva Console
- Adjusting speaker settings with the Nureva App
- Mounting a microphone and speaker bar with a backboard
- Using remote restart and reset with the HDL310
- Audio conferencing quality issues explained
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Setting up a wireless headset or earset with the HDL310 system
- Setting up multiple wireless mics with an HDL310 system
- How to integrate a device with Lumens PTZ cameras
- Using the Extron sound tracking driver with camera tracking
- Using the Q-SYS control plugin
- Using HDL310 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using Nureva audio systems with third-party digital signal processors
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL310 systems
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL310 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL310 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL310 system
- Nureva systems paired with MAXHUB devices
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL310 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL310 system
- Divisible rooms design guide
- Supported integrations for camera switching and tracking
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL310 and Poly G7500
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL310 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- How to integrate AVer cameras with camera tracking
- Features & Updates
- HDL310 microphone and speaker bar status indicator lights
- Voice Amplification Mode — HDL310 system
- HDL310 system remote control functions and codes
- Connect module status indicator lights - HDL310 and HDL410
- Get started with the Nureva App
- Troubleshooting with the Nureva App
- Using audio conferencing presets — Nureva App
- Adjusting the USB speed with the Nureva App
- Using the voice detection feature — Nureva App
- Firmware version 1.9 for HDL410 audio systems
- An introduction to dynamic boost
- Using dynamic boost with Voice Amplification Mode
- Dual HDL300
- Getting started
- FAQs
- Are the Dual HDL300 system cables plenum rated?
- What are the Dual HDL300 operating system and driver requirements?
- Is USB-C compatible with Dual HDL300 systems?
- How close to a ceiling can the Dual HDL300 system be mounted?
- Which types of Ethernet cables can be used with the Dual HDL300 system?
- Which certifications does the Dual HDL300 system have?
- How does autocalibration work?
- Can a USB extender be used with a Nureva audio system?
- Guides
- Using the auxiliary ports on the HDL300 and Dual HDL300 systems
- How to adjust the sleep mode for the Dual HDL300 system
- Get started with the Dual HDL300 system
- How to calibrate the Dual HDL300 system
- Optimize the Dual HDL300 system settings
- Setting up Dual HDL300 systems with Nureva Console client
- How to power cycle the Dual HDL300 system
- Update HDL300 and Dual HDL300 firmware
- Resources
- Enhance speaker output levels — HDL200, HDL300 and Dual HDL300 systems
- Test a Dual HDL300 system’s speakers and microphones
- Capturing audio recordings for troubleshooting a Dual HDL300
- Adjusting microphone gain setting for Dual HDL300 systems
- Microphone clearance requirements and recommendations
- The connect module has no power
- Set a Nureva system as the default audio device
- Optimal room conditions for Nureva audio devices
- Adjust Nureva audio device speaker volume in system settings
- DWG files for Nureva audio systems in AutoCAD drawings
- Mounting a microphone and speaker bar with a backboard
- Audio conferencing quality issues explained
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Setting up multiple wireless mics with a Dual HDL300 system
- Setting up a wireless headset or earset with the Dual HDL300 system
- How to integrate a device with Lumens PTZ cameras
- Using the Extron sound tracking driver with camera tracking
- Using Dual HDL300 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using Nureva audio systems with third-party digital signal processors
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with Dual HDL300 systems
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the Dual HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the Dual HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with a Dual HDL300 system
- Supported integrations for camera switching and tracking
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva Dual HDL300 and Poly G7500
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva Dual HDL300 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- How to integrate AVer cameras with camera tracking
- Features & Updates
- HDL300
- Getting started
- FAQs
- What are the HDL300 operating system and driver requirements?
- Are the HDL300 system cables plenum rated?
- Can the HDL300 system be cleaned and disinfected?
- Is USB-C compatible with HDL300 systems?
- How close to a ceiling can the HDL300 system be mounted?
- Which types of Ethernet cables can be used with the HDL300 system?
- Which certifications does the HDL300 system have?
- How does autocalibration work?
- Can a USB extender be used with a Nureva audio system?
- Guides
- Setting up HDL300 systems with Nureva Console client
- How to adjust the sleep mode for the HDL300 system
- How to calibrate the HDL300 system
- Optimize the HDL300 system settings
- Get started with the HDL300 system
- How to power cycle the HDL300 system
- Update HDL300 and Dual HDL300 firmware
- Using the auxiliary ports on the HDL300 and Dual HDL300 systems
- Resources
- Test an HDL300 system’s speakers and microphones
- Capturing audio recordings for troubleshooting an HDL300 system
- Adjusting microphone gain setting for HDL300 systems
- Microphone clearance requirements and recommendations
- The connect module has no power
- Set a Nureva system as the default audio device
- Optimal room conditions for Nureva audio devices
- Adjust Nureva audio device speaker volume in system settings
- DWG files for Nureva audio systems in AutoCAD drawings
- Enhance speaker output levels — HDL200, HDL300 and Dual HDL300 systems
- Mounting a microphone and speaker bar with a backboard
- Audio conferencing quality issues explained
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Setting up multiple wireless mics with an HDL300 system
- Setting up a wireless headset or earset with the HDL300 system
- How to integrate a device with Lumens PTZ cameras
- Using the Extron sound tracking driver with camera tracking
- Using HDL300 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using Nureva audio systems with third-party digital signal processors
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL300 systems
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL300 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL300 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL300 system
- Supported integrations for camera switching and tracking
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL300 and Poly G7500
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL300 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- How to integrate AVer cameras with camera tracking
- Using an HDL300 with the AudioCodes RXV200 and RX-PAD
- Features & Updates
- HDL200
- Getting started
- FAQs
- What are the HDL200 operating system and driver requirements?
- Are the HDL200 system cables plenum rated?
- Is USB-C compatible with HDL200 systems?
- Can the HDL200 system be cleaned and disinfected?
- Which certifications does the HDL200 system have?
- How does autocalibration work?
- Can a USB extender be used with a Nureva audio system?
- Guides
- Adjusting the USB speed for the HDL200 system
- Setting up HDL200 systems with Nureva Console client
- How to change the display settings on the HDL200 system
- Update the HDL200 system firmware
- Optimize the HDL200 system settings
- How to calibrate the HDL200 system
- Get started with the HDL200 system
- Installation guides - HDL200
- Resources
- Adjusting the LCD screen on the HDL200 system
- Test an HDL200 system’s speakers and microphones
- Capturing audio recordings for troubleshooting an HDL200 system
- Set a Nureva system as the default audio device
- Optimal room conditions for Nureva audio devices
- Adjust Nureva audio device speaker volume in system settings
- DWG files for Nureva audio systems in AutoCAD drawings
- Enhance speaker output levels — HDL200, HDL300 and Dual HDL300 systems
- Audio conferencing quality issues explained
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL200 systems
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL200 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL200 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL200 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL200 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL200 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL200 system
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL200 and Poly G7500
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Using an HDL200 with the AudioCodes RXV200 and RX-PAD
- Features & Updates
- CV30 camera
- Nureva Console
- Getting started
- FAQs
- Guides
- Removing a device from Nureva Console cloud
- Connect a device to Nureva Console client
- How to explore signal-to-noise ratio data in Nureva Console
- How to explore device usage data in Nureva Console
- How to remove users from an organization
- How to manage Nureva Console cloud users
- How to join an organization
- How to invite users to an organization
- How to update Nureva Console client
- How to sign up or sign in
- Exploring the unified coverage map
- How to explore sound location data in Nureva Console
- How to generate an enrollment code with Nureva Console client
- Get started with Nureva Console analytics
- Get started with device enrollment
- How to create an organization
- How to add or remove a camera
- How to add or remove an IP device
- How to enable network ports for camera integration
- How to explore background noise data in Nureva Console
- Update HDL300 and Dual HDL300 firmware
- Resources
- Adjusting treble and bass settings to optimize speaker volume
- Download Nureva Console client
- Nureva Console cloud — supported browsers
- Nureva Console — supported email applications
- Understanding IP address reservation
- Device not detected by Nureva Console client
- Nureva Console client is unable to check for updates
- Nureva Console client has stopped responding
- Contact support through Nureva Console cloud
- URL approvals for Nureva Console
- Background noise measurements
- Disable QR code access using Nureva Console
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Features & Updates
- Nureva App
- Getting started
- FAQs
- Guides
- Reset HDL310 and HDL410 passwords with the Nureva App
- Using a direct Ethernet connection with the Nureva App
- How to find an IP address to use the Nureva App
- Setting a device IP address with the Nureva App
- Adjusting the USB speed with the Nureva App
- Get started with the Nureva App
- Using audio conferencing presets — Nureva App
- Using the voice detection feature — Nureva App
- Resources
- Ecosystem & integrations
- Features & Updates
- HDL410
- Ecosystem & Integrations
- Ecosystem
- Using an HDL300 with the AudioCodes RXV200 and RX-PAD
- Using an HDL200 with the AudioCodes RXV200 and RX-PAD
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL410 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL310 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva Dual HDL300 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL300 and Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Flexible solutions for larger spaces with Nureva and Logitech
- Manage Nureva devices with AVI-SPL Symphony
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL200 and Poly G7500
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva Dual HDL300 and Poly G7500
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL300 and Poly G7500
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL310 and Poly G7500
- Compatibility analysis — Nureva HDL410 and Poly G7500
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL410 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL310 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL300 system
- Using a MAXHUB C6530 with an HDL200 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL410 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL310 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL300 system
- Using the MAXHUB XCore Kit with an HDL200 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL410 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL310 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL300 system
- Using a ScreenBeam 1100 Plus with an HDL200 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL200 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with a Dual HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL310 system
- Nureva systems paired with MAXHUB devices
- Using a Logitech RoomMate with an HDL410 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the Dual HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL310 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL410 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL200 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the Dual HDL300 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL310 system
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar Mini with the HDL410 system
- Using Dual HDL300 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using HDL300 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using HDL310 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using HDL410 systems with Dante audio network solutions
- Using external speakers with Nureva conferencing systems
- Using Nureva audio systems with third-party digital signal processors
- Using the Extron sound tracking driver with camera tracking
- Using the Q-SYS control plugin
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL410 systems
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL310 systems
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with Dual HDL300 systems
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL300 systems
- Using Barco ClickShare CX series with HDL200 systems
- Using a Logitech Rally Bar with the HDL200 system
- Divisible rooms design guide
- Nureva WebSocket local API guide
- Camera integrations
- Automatic camera switching — Nureva audio with Lenovo and Logitech
- Integrating Nureva audio devices with PTZOptics cameras
- INOGENI CAM230 integration guide — Nureva App and HDL410
- Nureva HDL410 and INOGENI CAM230 integration guide
- How to integrate a device with Lumens PTZ cameras
- Setting up camera tracking with Nureva audio devices
- Supported integrations for camera switching and tracking
- Camera switching with Sony cameras
- How to integrate AVer cameras with camera tracking
- Ecosystem
- Release notes
- Nureva App
- Nureva App release notes - January 29, 2025
- Nureva App release notes - January 28, 2025
- Nureva App release notes - January 6, 2025
- Nureva App release notes - December 9, 2024
- Nureva App release notes - November 25, 2024
- Nureva App release notes - November 15, 2024
- Nureva App release notes - October 16, 2024
- Nureva App release notes - October 1, 2024
- Nureva App release notes — Sept. 16, 2024
- Nureva App release notes — Sept. 4, 2024
- Nureva App release notes — Aug. 20, 2024
- Nureva Console
- HDL410
- HDL310
- Dual HDL300
- HDL300
- HDL200
- Nureva App
Is USB-C compatible with HDL410 systems?
- 31 Jul 2024
- Print
Is USB-C compatible with HDL410 systems?
- Updated on 31 Jul 2024
- Print
Article summary
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Yes, USB-C connectivity is possible with the Nureva® HDL410 audio conferencing system.
USB-C connectivity methods
A direct connection using a standard USB-C to USB-B printer cable.
An example of a suitable cable is the CableCreation USB-C to USB-B printer cable.
A standard USB On-The-Go (OTG) adapter for peripherals.
An example of a suitable adapter is the CableCreation USB-C to USB-A OTG, 0.5' adapter.
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