Adjusting the CV30 camera tracking area
    • 03 May 2024
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    Adjusting the CV30 camera tracking area

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    Article summary

    The CV30 camera has three tracking area settings which can be selected through the settings menu. Choosing from Full, Top 2/3 or Top 1/2 settings will help determine how the camera looks for the person to track.

    Tracking areas



    Full (default)

    The camera will look for a person to track within the full view of the camera. When the camera tracking is set to full there is a higher chance that other people’s movement may be tracked.

    CV30 camera tracking areas - full view

    Top 2/3

    The camera will look for a person visible in the top two-thirds of the full camera view.

    CV30 camera tracking area - top 2/3

    Top half

    The camera will look for a person visible in the top half of the full camera view.

    CV30 camera tracking area - top half

    Changing the tracking area

    • To view the on-screen display (OSD) the camera must be active.

    • Open an application that accesses the camera.

    • Once the camera application launches the camera view should be visible.

    • Ensure that the CV30 is the active camera.

    Adjusting the settings

    1. Press Menu on the remote to launch the on-screen display (OSD)

    2. Navigate to Tracking and press the Home button on the remote to enter the tracking settings

    3. Once in the settings, navigate to Area

    4. Use the Left and Right arrows on the remote control to choose Full, Top 2/3 or Top half

    5. Once a mode is selected navigate to Back and press the Home button

    6. Press the Menu button to exit the OSD or select Back from the menu to return to the main OSD menu

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